Tuesday, April 14, 2020

COVID-19 pandemic response efforts : Week 2

April 1, 2020 :

BMT gave 1000 nitryl gloves and 1000 surgical masks to mullai periyar IMA to cater to the front line healthworkers in govt cumbum.

BMT gave 80lit hand sanitizer , 800 hand gloves and 300 mask to bottomline task Force of #theni
#chinnamannur municipal Corporation.

April 2, 2020 :

BMT #theni provided gloves and masks to govt hospital healthcare workers cumbum.

April 3, 2020 :

BMT in association with THIMIL ngo is daily providing food to all homless people in rajapalayam during #covid19 #pandemic #curfew

April 6, 2020 :

BMT donated 1500 surgical masks and 1500 surgical gloves to MMC,KMC and omandur hospitals

April 7, 2020 :

BMT donated 3000 surgicals masks, 3000 nitryl gloves,25 covid suits and 50litres of hand sanitizers to JDHS govt hospital coimbatore

April 8, 2020 :
BMT combined with Lions club of Pollachi Pride and donated 300 masks, 300 gloves and 25 litres of sanitizers to sub collector office in Pollachi

April 11, 2020:

BMT donated 2000 surgical masks,2000 nitryl gloves,15 covid PPE and 25 litres of hand sanitizers to Dean tirupur medical college hospital.

BMT donated masks, gloves and food packets to Mr.Stephen raj and Mr.feroz khan AC commissioner to 500 policemen in chennai.

April12, 2020 :
BMT donated 1700 surgical masks 1700 nitryl gloves, 10 covid Ppe kit & 50 lits of 500 ml pump pack of hand sanitizers to mahatma Gandhi govt medical college hospital #Trichy

COVID-19 pandemic response efforts from BMT

Benchmark Medical Trust mobilized to support some of the most at-risk people with critical medical aid, and social support to people facing COVID-19.

March 24, 2020 :

BMT federation wing Gave away some 50 sleeping mats for the stranded passenger and homeless who will be accommodated and fed by Dindigul City Municipal Corporation

March 25, 2020 :

BMT donated hand sanitizers, thermal scanner and disinfection pump to dindigul municipal Corporation
Marh 26, 2020 :

BMT federation gave battery operated disinfection chamber to dindigul city today.

BMT federation donated 500 gloves,200 masks, 20lit sanitizer and aprons for dindigul bottomline municipal workers.

March 27, 2020 :

BMT gave today surgical masks 350,surgical gloves 1500 and 35 litres of hand sanitizers to front line workers in virudhunagar dist govt 

March 28, 2020 :

BMT handed over 50 masks and hand sanitizer to west police station virudhunagar

March 29, 2020 :

BMT helped stranded Migrant workers in #curfew #covid19-#pandemic by providing mats, towels and soaps in dindigul

BMT gave 480 gloves, 25 pairs latex gloves,300 masks ,300 antiseptic soaps and vit c tablets to virudhunagar municipal commissioner to help the bottomline task Force to combat #covid19-#pandemic.

March 30, 2020 :
BMT provided 100 masks and 50 gloves to bottomline workers of mullikulam and malli town panchayat virudhunagar dist.

BMT gave 250 masks and 20 litres of hand sanitizers to dindigul govt hospital.