21 August, Ramnad
70 differently abled children in chest angelin home in ramnad and speed ngo home devipatinam are provided with deworming syrups, dates and reusable masks.
27 August, Ramnad
On the commemoration of National Deworming day BMT supported 20 children under railway childline annanagar *ramnad* with reusable masks /dates /deworming syrups
30 August, Dindugal
commemoration of national deworming day.BMT Gave away deworming
medicines, Cloth masks and hand Sanitizers to 40 children of Anbarasi
orphanage home in Nandhavanapatty Dindigul District
9 September, Chennai
gave reusable masks, sanitizers deworming syrups and 250gms honey to 26
children in Aalayam home at paranipudhur chennai on occasion of
national malnutrition week.
14th September, Trichy